Hi, I’m Bob – nice to meet you, and welcome to my new blog!

Yep, that’s really my devilishly handsome self in the picture to the left. Truth be told, it’s a picture from not too long ago, but if you don’t tell anybody, neither will I. It’s the best one I could find for right now, but, luckily, I don’t look too terribly different. I wasn’t really expecting it to be that large, either, so it may look a little distorted. I’ll get around to fixing it some day. . .maybe. I know it’s not some touched-up photo or a Glamor Shot, but I guess it just shows I’m real. Yeah — I think I just might leave it for now. Why not?

After years of struggling, I’ve finally decided to take some massive action…

Needless to say, Shiny Object Syndrome has been crippling. I buy and buy and buy (sound familiar?) but never put anything into action (more familiar?) I guess I just got kind of sick of being the lifetime student. You don’t sell, you don’t make money. How did it take so long to figure that one out? Knowledge means squat unless you put it into action.

I’ve followed the likes of John Thornhill, Sean Mize, and Omar Martin (among others) for a number of years, and don’t ask me what took so long (stubbornness I suppose). Something slapped me upside the head and screamed, “Get a blog online! Get some buy buttons online! Take action! DO SOMETHING!” This time, I listened. Check out my About Bob page for more details you probably can’t live without.

You know, it’s funny. It took all this time for me to figure out you can’t make money unless you’re selling something. Strange how that works.

Maybe this sounds familiar: You buy a course, you go through all the training tutorials, you’re excited, and THEN the next thing hits your inbox and off you go. I was a hamster on a wheel. . .

. . .always learning but never doing.

So on this blog, I’ll be documenting my findings from my new journey into the industry – including what I’m doing, what works, what doesn’t work, and everything in between.

I’m all about giving value, so stay tuned for my step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and helpful tips.

I may not post here every day, but I’ll give it the old college try. I want you to keep up with what I’m doing so you can copy my successes and avoid my failures.

Please feel free to leave a reply, introduce yourself, and let’s be friends.

Finally, to learn more about me, my story, and how I’ll be helping you achieve your goals, please check out my About Bob page.

Just take action.

I’ll be in touch,

Bob Moore

You don’t need an email list, a big budget, or any experience with internet marketing to make 5 or 6 figures a month with this system. Total beginners are launching 6 figure businesses from the comfort of their own homes. It’s a program I use. Click here to find out more.